Personal Injury Law: Car Accidents-Common Causes

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Common Causes of Automobile Accidents

Many people know that traveling in a commercial airplane is much safer than traveling in a motor vehicle. In fact, automobiles are the most deadly form of transportation in America. Statistically, every American will be in an auto accident at least once in his or her lifetime. But most of the transportation fatalities and injuries we sustain could be prevented with a combination of better driving and stricter safety standards from the auto industry and the government. More about our San Antonio Car Accident Attorney here

A private nonprofit organization reports that 95 percent of auto accidents are caused by driver error. In a study, examiners found that the number-one cause of auto accidents in the drivers they studied was driver distractions. Most accidents and near-misses in the study happened within three seconds of some kind of distraction, they found. Some common causes of distraction the study found were:

sleepiness, which was a factor in a shocking percent of crashes.
Dialing or talking on a handheld device such as a cell phone.
Reading while driving.
Putting on makeup.
Reaching for something inside the car.
Staring at something outside the car.

Another common cause of serious accidents is alcohol consumption. Driving drunk is strongly correlated with speeding, driving without a license and having a previous DUI. The vast majority of alcohol-related crashes happen just after midnight — Most of all fatal crashes and injury crashes happen during those times. And while 47 percent of single-vehicle crash fatalities are alcohol-related, more than a quarter of multiple-vehicle fatalities involve alcohol as well-meaning drunk driving is a significant threat to other motorists on the road.

When an auto accident occurs, it’s most likely to be a collision with another auto. While not all young men are irresponsible drivers, study after study shows that youth and maleness are correlated with an increased number of car accidents. In fact, for every age group, the male involvement rate in accidents is higher. And among females, the younger age groups had significantly higher involvement rates. The rates for injury crashes tell a similar story. The drivers with the lowest involvement in fatal accidents were ages 55 through 64; the drivers with the lowest injury accident rates were the oldest drivers, at 74 and older.

The same study tracked factors cited by law enforcement as contributing to a crash. The most common factor cited for all fatal accidents was failure to stay in the correct lane (including running off the road). Right behind it was speeding or racing. Driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or medication was also common, followed by failure to yield the right of way, inattention, carelessness, and failure to obey traffic signals

Defective autos and auto parts cause a relatively small amount of accidents, but the consequences can be staggering for innocent drivers and passengers who trusted manufacturers not to offer them an unsafe product. From 1983 to 2022, there have been:
19,686 vehicle recalls, affecting 776.42 million people
2,303 equipment recalls affecting 207.51 million people
442 tire recalls affecting 36.43 people
220 child seats affecting 60.39 people

If you or someone you love is one of these millions of auto accident victims, you have the right to hold the people responsible for their actions in court. The experienced auto accident attorneys at our Law Firm can help you evaluate your case, guide you through the legal system and get you the best possible outcome. We have recovered tens of millions for injured clients since 1978. For a free consultation with no obligation on your part, call us today. If you have been seriously injured or lost a loved one as a result of a defective product accident, you need the advice of an experienced car accident lawyer. Call us today for your FREE CONSULTATION.

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