Wrong-Way Auto Accidents

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Wrong-Way Auto Accidents

When you or a loved one has been injured or killed in an auto accident, your first thoughts are not likely to be about finding an attorney. It is our Law Firm’s job to protect your rights and your interests, so, please take our first piece of advice.

Don’t delay contacting an attorney. The sooner you obtain legal advice, the better you can protect your rights.

The experienced personal injury and auto accident attorneys at our Law Firm know what type of assistance you need immediately after your accident and are known for bringing that assistance when you can’t come to their office. We will help you take care of your immediate needs, such as obtaining a rental car, so that you can concentrate on your medical care or other personal matters. More on this webpage
We arrange for an expert investigation of all the evidence. We advise you about what to say, how to say it, and what not to say so that your rights are protected while meeting legal obligations for reporting the accident to the police and your insurance company.

Wrong-Way Accident Causes

Wrong-way accidents occur on one-way roadways, such as divided highways, on and off ramps, and one-way streets.

Wrong-way accidents may be entirely the fault of the driver or might involve outside factors.

Improper or poorly visible signage, ineffective highway lighting, construction zone markings, or other highway factors often cause drivers to become confused about where they are supposed to drive.
Factors that can cause wrong way driving decisions include distractions like cell phones, programming GPS and other devices, changing CDs, multitasking, trying to figure out directions to a destination, eating or drinking and other activities.
The driver might have been intoxicated with drugs, alcohol, or prescription medications.
The driver might have had a medical condition that caused him to become confused, blurred his vision, or made him dizzy or faint. He might have been fatigued.
Occasionally a driver will choose to go the wrong way. Maybe they were looking for a shortcut because they had taken a wrong turn or were in a hurry. Maybe they wanted to avoid heavy traffic on the correct route. Maybe they were thrill-seeking or even suicidal.
Our job is to find out how and why your accident occurred and get a settlement that compensates you for your injuries and losses. We will investigate all possible causes and contributors to your accident, develop the most thorough estimate of present and future expenses, and fight diligently to obtain this award.

If you want the most personalized and compassionate legal representation for your Texas wrong-way accident claim, don’t hesitate to contact our law firm’s experienced Texas auto accident attorneys.